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Christmas Vibes

Application Form

Open House Night Market

November 13, 2024

The details

Wednesday, November 13
Event Hours: 3:00pm-8:00pm
Booth Set-Up Hours: 1:00pm-3:00pm

We will have three locations for booth spaces.

  • Location #1: Mini Golf Course, 19 spaces available.

  • Location #2: Group Booking area, 12 spaces available.

  • Location #3: Restaurant & Bar, 6 table spaces

Application Process


Complete the vendor form below, agreeing to our show policies and procedures.



Ashley will be in touch, letting you know if you have been accepted into the show and if space is available.



  • Restaurant & Group Booking Areas: If you are booking in the restaurant area you do not have to make an appointment to view your space in advance.


  • Mini Golf Course: If you are booking a space on our greens for the first time you will need to make an appointment with Ashley to walk and view your space.  Each hole is unique in terms of its shape, hazards, elevations etc...

  • If you are booking on the Mini Golf Course and have attended this event in the past you do not have to walk your space before confirming a hole. If spaces become booked we can add you to our waiting list.



Once you have confirmed a space with Ashley you can arrange for booth payment.


1550 Road 3 East Kingsville, Ontario


Show Coordinator: Ashley Colasanti
519-326-3287 ext. 228


Show Financial Coordinator: Ruben Ortiz
519-326-3287 ext. 227

christmas opn house map
Christmas Open House Golf Course
open house restaurant map

Show Policies & Information



    Admittance to Colasanti’s Christmas Open House Arts & Crafts Night Market will be determined at the discretion of Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens Marketing Department.

    • Colasanti’s reserves the right to refuse booths. Absolutely no knives, articles with profanity, body piercing services or drug paraphernalia will be allowed on Colasanti’s property. If there are any questions about the suitability of a particular item, please discuss this with Ashley

    • Colasanti’s Tropical Gardens reserves the right to limit the number of booths selling a particular item. We do our best to jury the placement of similar booths.




  • Applications and payments must be received and paid for by August 23, 2024. Ruben ( can assist you with all payment questions and information:  519-326-3287 ext. 227

  • Any booth space that is not paid for by August 23 is therefore forfeited. Colasanti’s will retain the right to offer this unpaid space to a new vendor.

  • Once accepted as a show vendor/exhibitor there are no refunds, reductions or credits
    * All fees are Non-refundable*

  • Colasanti’s will accept cheques (if received in person), cash, e-transfer, debit, VISA and MASTERCARD. All booths will receive a receipt/invoice once payment has been received.

  • E-transfer is preferred to please include your booth number in the description.

  • All cheques can be made payable to Colasanti's Tropical Gardens

  • Ruben will accept credit card payments over the phone.



  • Vendors may set up between 1pm-3pm on the day of your event.

  • All booths must be open for business at 3pm and must remain open until 8pm.

  • Booths must be manned during the show hours of 3pm-8pm.



  • All Vendors must park in the back row of our parking lot.

  • Front and mid-row parking is reserved for our guests.



  • Booth spaces are $17.70+tax = $20 taxes included
    This money will be used to promote the event and to cover labour costs from our marketing, maintenance and janitorial team members.

  • Two double space booth spaces will be available in our Vendor Area next to the Restaurant. They are listed at $35 taxes included.



  • If you are on the mini golf course, all putting holes must be covered -or- you must leave the metal flag holder in its permanent position.

  • Please feel free to fill your space with tables, racks and chairs.

  • You can add additional lighting to your space, please discuss this with Ashley at the time of booking.

  • No additional booth space can be added to your site on the day of the show. Selling outside of your allocated space is prohibited.

  • Vendors are responsible for a neat, attractive, clean display area during the show.

  • Vendors must provide their own display, table drape, props, surge protectors, extension cords, money for making change, bags, etc.

  • Please be prepared to secure electrical cords with tape OR cord covers. Electrical cords should be put neatly in inconspicuous places.

  • Only vinyl tape (NO DUCT TAPE) may be used to tape down cords. Tape will not be provided by Colasantis Tropical Gardens for the securing of electrical cords.

  • Vendors shall not in any way damage or permit damage to the premise, if such damage shall occur; the user shall be fully liable to repair the damaged property.

  • The use of screws, tacks, nails, etc. on the floor or walls is prohibited.

  • Colasanti's Tropical Gardens is not responsible for loss, damage or personal injury of any kind.

  • Vendor assumes all responsibility and liability for any loss, damage, theft or personal injury occurrence inside or in front of their booth.

  • All Booth Spaces are located in a greenhouse environment.

    • In the event of a storm, drips may occur.

    • We will be adding holiday lights to some of our trees on the mini golf course.
      We have some overhead lighting available.

  • Vendors are responsible for cleanup, including their trash removal after the show by 8:30pm on the day of their event.

  • No pets or animals are allowed at the show facility.



  • Vendors selling food items must confirm with Ashley that their products have been made in a certified kitchen.

  • Colasanti's will only be allowing food items made in a certified kitchen.

  • Please speak to Ashley about completing additional paperwork.



  • All purchases from vendors must be bagged and sealed by the vendor for the prevention of theft.



  • Colasanti's event will be advertised in several different forms: Facebook, Instagram, X, Email Newsletter, Till Flyers, Road Signs, Mix 96.7 Blackburn radio, Country 92.7 & 95.9 Blackburn radio etc...

  • Colasanti's advertising team will be taking photos during the event.  Such photos will be used in a variety of advertising forms.  Some forms of use may include Colasanti's website, social media pages etc...

  • Vendors may use Colasanti's photos on their own advertising outlets: social media pages, flyers and website.  Colasanti's photos cannot be distributed to other companies/businesses/organizations/events for use.
    If you have questions please contact Ashley



As a business owner, I fully understand and agree to the following terms.

  • Various risks, dangers and hazards are associated with participating in Colasanti's Christmas Open House & Night Market as a vendor. Participating businesses (its heirs, executors, administrators, or any others who may claim on its behalf) freely accept and fully assumes all such risks, dangers and hazards and the possibility of personal injury, bodily injury, death, and property loss resulting from participation.

  • In consideration of being granted permission to participate in Colasanti's Christmas Open House & Night Market, businesses (its heirs, executors, administrators, or any others who may claim on its behalf), agree not to sue, claim or otherwise initiate legal proceedings whatsoever against Colasanti's Tropical Gardens/Colasanti Farms Ltd., it's employees and authorized actors of Colasanti's Tropical Gardens/Colasanti Farms Ltd.
    Businesses hereby waive, release and discharge Colasanti's Tropical Gardens/Colasanti Farms Ltd., its employees and authorized actors from any and all claims of liability for personal injury, illness, loss of life or property damage of any kind or nature, arising out of or sustained in the course of the businesses participation.

  • In consideration of being granted permission to participate in the 2024 Christmas Open House & Night Market businesses agree to hold harmless and indemnify Colasanti's Tropical Gardens/Colasanti Farms Ltd. its employees and authorized actors of Colasanti's Tropical Gardens/Colasanti Farms Ltd., from any and all liability, loss, claims, demands, costs and expenses, including reasonable legal fees, due to any personal injury, illness, loss of life, property damage or any other kind of damage whatsoever arising from the businesses participation as a vendor.




aquarius clay co

Application Form

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

Our team will need time to review all submissions before responding.

What is your relationship to this business?
This event requires that all products be handmade or customized. Please confirm the following:

Thanks for your submission!


Open Daily: 9am - 6pm

Petting Farm

Open Daily: 10am - 5pm

Email replies can take between 48-72 hours.

Tel: (519) 326-3287

Garden Centre 

Open Daily: 10am - 5pm

Mini Golf & Arcade

Open Daily: 10am - 5pm

Pets are not permitted.

Thank you for your understanding.

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